Friday, September 16, 2011

Oh & it was named the Hoop-la. And it went well. It was insane. I cried a lot. A LOT the last few days & an hour before opening I thought I was going to crack in 2. Sounds like a blast, n'est-ce pas? Sounds like someone with a good solid grip on common sense would never consider doing again, right? Right?
Please oh please let the cello come to me. Patience. Bah. it's far too late for you to be up. Go to bed...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


How to produce a show with no experience, help or time. Ok...why am I doing this? The only answer is because it feels like the right thing to do. I don't like that I like to be stretched. I'm already so stretched by a tiny gorgeous being who's more demanding than I imagined. What can I gain by throwing myself into this? It's not about what I'll gain, it's that I want, I need to be on stage. No opportunities are knocking on my door right now except for this one which is truly quite exciting. Every time I think I can't do this something happens to change my mind. Maybe I can do this. Even with communication challenges & serious time restrictions. I feel so blessed in this moment. I know it will change. It always does, no matter what it is. The name of the show, does it really matter? I don't have time to get hung up on it any more. Time to piss or get off the pot. Name it & move on.